Engineering Job Survey

In this survey, it asked me questions on things like what I like to do that is engineering related. It would ask questions like how I like to help people such as medically or other methods like building things. I chose that I like to do things like building because for me, things that are more hands on are better and more interesting for me to do. It also gave me questions like if I would rather over see the process of building something or be part of the design and build. I said that I would prefer being part of the team because it is fun to work with other people as a team to get tasks done and once again, I prefer hands on activities. At the end of the survey, it told me I was an investigator. This means that they would give me a problem that they need to solve and they depend on me to do the research on how the problems solution will turn out.

Screenshot 2018-10-04 at 8.06.07 PM

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