Intro To Arduino

The arduino was very hard to learn at first but became easier to use once I understood most of the concepts of coding. My partner was Jonathan and he was very fun to work with. He was good at the coding so he was able to help me understand most of the tings of coding. We learned how the many commands can be used to do many things. I was most impressed by being able to figure out how to make a light system because that was a very interesting visual effect for me to see. The very technical aspect was difficult for me. having to check the whole code over and over for mistakes was a very tedious and difficult task  for me. I constantly made spelling errors which made things difficult. I had to practice at home so I was able to understand everything.

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Projects like this were very hard for me to figure out but I had a very fun time trying to figure out how to set up light circuits. As we learned about this, we also learned about circuits in physics and it made the wiring of the circuits very fun.

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